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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wind Power Generator Kit - Basic 101 Course

Homemade Wind Power Generators 101
By Davion Wong

A homemade wind power generator is able to capture and convert wind into energy that can be used to fuel one's home or place of business. When people think of such a device, they usually think of a mill or turbine, which takes wind energy and converts it into electricity. As the prices of oil continue to rise and become unaffordable, alternative energies are beginning to garner a lot of attention and with good reason. Because the United States does not have a lot of oil on our soil, we are at the mercy of other countries and we are not able to control oil prices or supply.

Therefore by researching, developing and adopting alternative energies we are able to take some of our power back even if it is home by home. Individuals using homemade wind power generators will be able to save money on electricity and also are better able to do their part in taking care of the environment.

Today, a homemade wind power generator can be made for around $200 and thus, are very affordable. They are also a pretty easy to create as long as the individual has a good guide that provides clear instructions on how to create such a system. There are many places online that sell related books, many which are digitally downloadable, that can give you a very good and thorough plan so that you are able to create one on your own. All components can be purchased at cheap prices or sourced for free.

More and more people are looking to take advantage of free energy. One way to do that is to utilize the earth's most natural resource - wind to power one's home, farm or even business. Individuals that are interested in this may want to seriously consider building such a power system. Again, these can be built very affordably and easily nowadays. You can find all of the information that you need online to get started quickly and smoothly. Take a look at the recommended report below that will help you create your own wind power generator.

Tired of high electric bills? Discover how thousands of families are using homemade wind power systems to power their homes!

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If Not Wind Power, Why Not Tidal Power?

Tidal Power - Why It's Different Than Any Other Energy Source
By J Reynolds

You can't spend any amount of time by an ocean without noting the power of the coming and going of the tides. But what is the source of this tidal power? Where does the energy to move all that water come from?

Tidal Power is unique because gravitational force, not radiant energy from the sun is its source. The only other energy sources currently available that don't ultimate originate from the sun are battery power and nuclear power.

If you consider it for a moment you'll realize that's true.

Plants require sunlight to grow. Sunlight drives photosynthesis. Our growth and development and the energy our bodies require comes from our food, all of which depends on sunlight (we either eat the plants directly or indirectly when we eat the animal that ate the plants).

Wood was probably the earliest fuel, and that clearly derives from the sun. But coal and oil are also vegetative matter, just transformed by time and pressure into their current form.

The connection of wind energy and hydro energy to the sun is less obvious but just as strong.

The sun warming areas of the planet differently causes air masses to move as wind. And it's the sun's energy that evaporates the water that eventually falls as rain the fill the rivers and streams from which we harness hydropower.

Tidal power originates from an entirely different source. The pull of gravity causes tides.

The earth continually turns on its axis. As it does, different areas of the globe are closest to the moon. The area closest feels a stronger gravitational pull, and over the oceans this difference is strong enough to pull the water slightly closer to the moon. About 1 meter closer.

As the earth's rotation continues this bump of water moves across the ocean more or less like a single large wave. When it reaches the shoreline, it causes the increase in water level that we recognize as a rising tide.

The conditions close to shore determine how much of a change in water level we see on any particular shoreline.

All of that water in motion represents a tremendous amount of energy. The ideas of harnessing has always been tantalizing, and is even more intriguing in this days of decreasing oil reserves and increasing concerns about the environment.

A good place to find out more about tidal power is Sources Tidal Power

And if you want to know more about alternative energy in general, check out Alternative Energy Primer

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wind Power Generator Kit offers Cleaner Choices

Wind and Solar Energy
By Billings Farnsworth

Most of us get our electricity from the traditional power plants. However, with people becoming more aware of environmental and global issues, many of us are turning to cleaner energy sources, such as wind, and solar power. Any one of these is a great way to get dependable energy without doing too much damage to the environment.

Wind Power

The power of the wind is harnessed using wind turbines. These turbines have three large blades, sort of like a fan, that spin when the wind blows. They also have a generator system. The movement of the blades creates kinetic energy, which is then converted into electrical or mechanical energy. The energy created is sent into the power lines where it is combined with traditional electricity sources and sent through the power lines to homes, businesses, etc.

Solar Energy

Solar energy is energy derived from the light and heat of the sun. There are two different types of solar energy: photovoltaic and solar thermal. They both use some type of solar panels to harness the energy. Solar thermal is energy taken from the heat of the sun, which is then used as heat for water and space heating. Photovoltaic energy is taken from the sun's light and is used to create electricity. It uses solar cells, often in conjunction with solar panels, to capture the energy. You can find forms of solar electric energy in Seattle, California, and many other places throughout the country.

These two sources of alternative energy are not the only ones available. They are, however, frequently used, and are always being experimented with to create better sources and uses for them. Who knows, maybe in twenty years they will be the main source of energy for our planet.

About the Author

Western Solar Inc ( is a solar electric Seattle based company. Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer.

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